Best Practices for Preventing Ransomware

In a Small Business environment, it might be challenging and time-consuming to adhere to a strict security policy.

However, with Symantec’s Best Practices for protecting against current threats, it is easier to protect your Business infrastructure, information and workflow.

  • Security Software is a must, preferably centrally managed, and with strict policies, regardless of the size of your business. The central management aspect will ensure that it is updated frequently.
  • Operating System must be updated frequently or automatically, according to your needs. Windows 10 does a great job at making these updates less disrupting of your daily workflow, as they can be scheduled to be done off hours. This feature was previously found only on enterprise operating systems, now Small Business and end users can benefit from the added security this brings in.
  • Email is the most common source of infection, attachments from unknown sources (even with familiar words or content) are a hazard. Attackers take leverage on a user who usually is doing two things at the same time and unconsciously clicks on an attachment. Only to realize half a second later that it was a mistake.
  • Backup, online, offline. Three backup set rule. Some cloud backup services offer online versioning, or a history of a particular file, where it is possible to return to a specific date and point of time in the lifespan of the file.

Again, with special thanks to the Symantec Security Blog:

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